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  • MMO Games With The Best Servers

    Most people know that World of Warcraft boasts a number of private servers. There are many XP rates, versions, and so forth. What about the other games with many private server options? Let’s have a look at the below list. The most popular server is WoW. The following information was compiled from Google Trends early 2019.

    1) World of Warcraft

    WoW has some very unique servers out there that have their own little twists. Modded servers are not the only option. Older versions of WoW can also be found as vanilla-like server versions. The number and growth of WoW servers are staggering. Since there still isn’t a new dominant MMORPG out there, the majority of players keep finding their way back to WoW.

    2) MU Online

    MU has the best looking items and skills available for an old game. MU has wings. They are decorative and powerful items. These sets can be upgraded to become even cooler with glowing or liquidish effects at certain stages. Simply by looking at their gear, you can easily tell how skilled someone is. A lot of private servers out there, mostly difference from each other by XP and Drop rates. Of course some servers have newer, some older versions of the game. Lately more and more player are going from Official to Private servers because of the P2W problem.

    3) Metin2

    Metin2 also has a large number of private servers. Some of them are extremely active with over 1000 players online at once. Some people feel the original game was too grindy, and that there was too much Pay 2 Win. Maybe that’s why there are so few private servers. Private servers can provide you with less grindy, and mostly free, gameplay. Because PvP in this game is addictive, players don’t stop playing once they reach maximum level. It just keeps getting more fun.

    Flyff Online

    Flyff was the first MMORPG that was anime-inspired. Flyff’s ability to travel around the world by air made it even more exciting. There are many quests, and the game is easy to learn. While the original game isn’t too bad, there seem to be a lot of private servers that Flyff uses.

    5) Conquer Online

    For over a 15 years old game, the community sure is active. You will be hooked for hours by the fast gameplay and great combat. Although it doesn’t have the 3D graphics of other MMORPGs, the nostalgia you get from Conquer graphics may be what keeps it so active.

    6) Cabal Online

    The official Cabal server doesn’t have much activity, but there are plenty of private ones. Overall very decent F2P MMO, the official might be too heavily focused on microtransactions, but private servers usually don’t have that issue. The graphics are excellent for an old game. They don’t feel too outdated.

    7) Shaiya

    Shaiya is very focused on PvP. This means that players don’t have to leave once they are maxed out. You won’t have the perfect gear and build, and you will always want to tweak and improve your character. There are many older private servers that don’t plan to clone any time soon. Free51.Net Even though new servers are occasionally made, there are only a handful of servers.

    8) Dekaron

    Another MMORPG that is PvP-based is Dekaron. This is where most of Dekaron’s community is at, battling each other and perfecting their characters. This may be why most Dekaron server are High XP. Players don’t want to fight mobs. Instead, max out your character and get into PvP. Private servers also have better character balancing compared to Official server, maybe that’s why Dekaron fan enjoy private servers instead.

    9) The Perfect World

    Perfect World is easy to use and has great graphics. A large number of cool looking mounts, weapons, and armor. Quests don’t require much effort. You can simply relax and enjoy exploring the stunning world. You won’t be angry about grinding XP. The environment just pulls at you.

    10) Aion Online

    Aion’s official server peak has come to an end, but the private ones are still active. The graphics are very modern because this game was released later than some other MMORPGs. Flying with your wings is a great feature that should be included in every MMORPG. The boss fights can be very entertaining and PvP provides a nice balance.

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